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Английский словарь американских идиом - hear


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  physiol. abbr. Hearing Education And Aural Rehabilitation st. & loc. abbr. Higher Education Act Reauthorization NASDAQ abbr. HearMe, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ v past tense and past participle heard 1 »HEAR SOUNDS/WORDS ETC« T not in progressive to know that a sound is being made, using your ears  (Did you hear that noise? | I called his name, but he pretended not to hear. | hear sb/sth doing sth)  (I think I can hear someone knocking. | hear sb/sth do sth)  (Dixon's going to resign - I heard him say so. | hear what)  (I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said. | be heard to say/ask/remark etc)  (One delegate was heard to remark that the conference had been a waste of time.) 2 »LISTEN TO SB/STH« T not usually in progressive) to listen to what someone is saying, the music they are playing etc  (Without waiting to hear her answer, he stood up and walked away. | You can hear that broadcast again on Monday at 9.00. | hear sb do sth)  (Pavarotti is amazing - you should hear him sing `Nessun dorma'. | hear what)  (Let's hear what he's got to say. | I hear what you're saying spoken (=used to tell someone that you have listened to their opinion))  (I hear what you're saying, but we can't ignore the facts.) 3 »BE TOLD STH« T not usually in progressive) to be told or find out a piece of information  (hear (that))  (I hear you've been selected to play for the A team.) + abou  (Did you hear about the fire?) be glad/pleased to hear (that)  (I'm glad to hear your sister's feeling better. | so I've heard spoken (=used to say that you already know about something))  ("Nina's quit her job." "Yes, so I've heard." | hear sth)  (We've heard such a lot about you. | hear what/how/who etc)  (When the authorities heard what we were planning, they tried to stop us. | hear anything of (=receive any news about))  (Have you heard anything of Bob lately? | hear sth on the grapevine (=find out about something in conversation) | I've heard it said spoken also I've hear tell old-fashioned (=used when you are repeating something that someone else has told you))  (I've heard it said she's a tough businesswoman.) 4 »IN COURT« hear a case if a court or a committee hears a case, they listen to all the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (hears, hearing, heard) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you hear a sound, you become aware of it through your ears. She heard no further sounds... They heard the protesters shout: ‘No more fascism!’... And then we heard the bells ringing out... I’m not hearing properly. VERB: V n, V n inf, V n -ing, V 2. If you hear something such as a lecture or a piece of music, you listen to it. You can hear commentary on the match in about half an hour’s time... I don’t think you’ve ever heard Doris talking about her emotional life before... I’d love to hear it played by a professional orchestra. VERB: V n, V n -ing, V n -ed 3. If you say that you can hear someone saying something, you mean that you are able to imagine hearing it. Can’t you just hear John Motson now?... ‘I was hot,’ I could still hear Charlotte say with her delicious French accent. VERB: no cont, V n, V n inf 4. When a judge or a court of law hears a case, or evidence in a case, they listen to it officially in order to make a decision about it. (FORMAL) The jury have heard evidence from defence witnesses... VERB: V n 5. If you hear from someone, you receive a letter or telephone call from them. Drop us a line, it’s always great to hear from you... VERB: V from n 6. In a debate or discussion, if you hear from someone, you listen to them giving their opinion or information. What are you hearing from people there? VERB: V from n 7. If you hear some news or information about something, you find out about it by someone telling you, or from the radio or television. My mother heard of this school through Leslie... He had heard that the trophy had been sold... I had waited to hear the result... VERB: V of/about n, V that, V n 8. If you have heard of something or someone, you know about them, but not in great detail. Many people haven’t heard of reflexology. ...people who, maybe, had hardly heard the word till a year or two ago. VERB: no cont, V...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (~d; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English heren, from Old English hieran; akin to Old High German horen to ~, and probably to Latin cavere to be on guard, Greek akouein to ~  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to perceive or apprehend by the ear  2. to gain knowledge of by ~ing  3.  a. to listen to with attention ; heed  b. attend ~ mass  4.  a. to give a legal ~ing to  b. to take testimony from ~ witnesses  intransitive verb  1. to have the capacity of apprehending sound  2.  a. to gain information ; learn  b. to receive communication haven't ~d from her lately  3. to entertain the idea — used in the negative wouldn't ~ of it  4. — often used in the expression Hear! Hear! to express approval (as during a speech)  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. (past and past part. heard) 1 tr. (also absol.) perceive (sound etc.) with the ear. 2 tr. listen to (heard them on the radio). 3 tr. listen judicially to and judge (a case, plaintiff, etc.). 4 intr. (foll. by about, of, or that + clause) be told or informed. 5 intr. (foll. by from) be contacted by, esp. by letter or telephone. 6 tr. be ready to obey (an order). 7 tr. grant (a prayer). Phrases and idioms have heard of be aware of; know of the existence of. hear! hear! int. expressing agreement (esp. with something said in a speech). hear a person out listen to all that a person says. hear say (or tell) (usu. foll. by of, or that + clause) be informed. will not hear of will not allow or agree to. Derivatives hearable adj. hearer n. Etymology: OE hieran f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) заслушать 2) заслушивать 3) заслышать 4) слушать 5) слыхивать 6) слышать HEARING слух, слышимость behind-the-ear hearing aid — заушный слуховой аппарат eye-glass hearing aid — слуховой аппарат в оправе очков - hearing aid - hearing threshold - range of hearing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  слышать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. слышать, услышать to hear a loud sound —- услышать громкий звук there was nothing to be heard —- ничего не было слышно I heard him laugh (laughing) —- я слышал, как он смеялся I heard my name mentioned —- я слышал, как назвали мое имя I cannot hear myself speak —- (так шумно, что) я не слышу собственного голоса he that hath ears to hear, let him hear —- имеющий уши да услышит 2. слышать, обладать слухом she can't hear very well —- она не очень хорошо слышит 3. слушать, внимать to hear a famous singer —- слушать знаменитого певца 4. слушать регулярно, быть регулярным слушателем (радиопередач, лекций, проповедей и т. п.) to hear a course of lectures —- слушать курс лекций 5. школ. спрашивать to hear a lesson —- спрашивать задание (урок) to hear a pupil his lesson —- спрашивать урок у ученика 6. заслушать официально или публично; выслушать (делегацию, свидетеля и т. п.) to hear a deputation —- принять (выслушать) делегацию 7. юр. слушать, разбирать дело (на судебном заседании) the case was heard last week —- дело слушалось на прошлой неделе 8. услышать, узнать to hear the news —- услышать (узнать) новость to hear say (tell of) —- уст. услышать, узнать о чем-л. от кого-л. I've never heard of him —- я ничего не знаю о нем I heard that you intend to go to the South —- я слышал (мне сказали), что вы собираетесь поехать на юг let me hear the story —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out выслушать, дать кому-л. высказаться Dont judge the must guilty without at least hearing his story out Hear me out, please, Ive still a lot to say. HEAR say слышать HEAR v.  1) слышать  2) слушать, внимать; выслушивать (часто hear out) to hear a course of lectures - прослушать курс лекций  3) услышать, узнать (of, about - о) How did you hear of our product?  4) получить известие, письмо (from) We were so worried when we didnt hear from you for three weeks.  5) leg. слушать (дело) - hear out hear! hear! - правильно!, правильно! (возглас, выражающий согласие с выступающим) I wont hear of it - я этого не потерплю you will hear about this - вам за это попадет ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. heran (Anglian), (ge)hieran, hyran (W.Saxon), from P.Gmc. *khauzjianan, from PIE base *keu- "to notice, observe." Spelling difference between hear and here developed 1200-1550. Hearing "listening to evidence in a court of law" is from 1576; hearsay is 1532 from phrase to hear say. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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